
Handling multiple operations on Firestore documents in a single atomic transaction can be challenging. The executeFirestoreBatch function simplifies this by batching operations, ensuring consistency and integrity of your Firestore data.

Key Features

  • Atomic Transactions: Executes a series of Firestore operations as a single atomic transaction.
  • Supports Multiple Operations: Handles ‘set’, ‘update’, and ‘merge’ operations on Firestore documents.
  • Error Handling: Ensures all operations in a batch either succeed together or fail without committing any changes.


Defining Firestore Operations

Create an array of FirestoreOperation objects, specifying the operation type, document reference, and data for each operation:

import {
} from 'path-to-your-utilities'

// Example operations
const operations: FirestoreOperation[] = [
    type: 'set',
    ref: firestore().doc('path/to/doc1'),
    data: {
      /* your data */
    type: 'update',
    ref: firestore().doc('path/to/doc2'),
    data: {
      /* your data */
  // Add more operations as needed

Executing the Batch

Pass the array of operations to executeFirestoreBatch to perform them as an atomic transaction:

// Execute batch operations
await executeFirestoreBatch(operations)

Handling Large Batches

For batches with more than 500 operations, executeFirestoreBatch automatically chunks them into smaller groups, adhering to Firestore’s limitations on batch size.

Best Practices

  • Structure your data and operations to minimize the need for large transactions.
  • Test your batch operations thoroughly to ensure they behave as expected.
  • Implement error handling to gracefully manage any issues during batch execution.

While batching operations can be powerful, it’s important to use this utility judiciously to maintain performance and avoid exceeding Firestore’s operational limits.