
When working with Firebase Cloud Functions, security and efficiency are paramount. The callable utility is engineered to fortify callable Cloud Functions, offering features like user authentication, body validation, and permission checks, enhancing the security and functionality of your serverless architecture.

Key Features

  • User Authentication: Verifies that each request is made by an authenticated user.
  • Request Validation: Ensures the integrity of request data using validation schemas.
  • Permission Management: Checks if the user has the necessary permissions to perform the requested action.
  • Custom Action Execution: Facilitates the execution of specified actions with authenticated and validated inputs.


Creating a Secure Callable Function

Using callable enhances your Cloud Function with pre-configured security and validation checks:

import { callable, onCall } from 'path-to-your-utilities'

// Define your action
const yourAction = async (body, context) => {
  // Your logic here

// Setup your callable Cloud Function
export const yourCallableFunction = onCall(
    action: yourAction,
    validation: {
      /* your validation schema */
    /* runtime modes */

Implementing User Authentication

Every request is authenticated, ensuring secure function execution:

// Inside your action
// User authentication is automatically handled by `callable`

Enforcing Request Body Validation

Define and apply a schema to validate incoming data:

// Define your validation schema
const yourValidationSchema = {
  /* your schema */

// Include it in the callable setup
export const yourCallableFunction = onCall(
    action: yourAction,
    validation: yourValidationSchema,
    /* runtime modes */

Managing User Permissions

Specify permission requirements for executing the action:

// Define your permission requirements
const yourPermissionScope = 'required-permission'

// Include it in the callable setup
export const yourCallableFunction = onCall(
    action: yourAction,
    scope: yourPermissionScope,
    /* runtime modes */

Best Practices

  • Regularly update your validation schemas to align with your data structure.
  • Ensure all actions are well-tested for various scenarios and user permissions.
  • Document the purpose and functionality of each Cloud Function for future reference and team understanding.

Security is key in serverless architectures. Always validate inputs and manage permissions diligently to safeguard your functions.