
Handling timestamps in Firestore often involves serializing and deserializing them, especially when working with external systems or storing data in formats like JSON. hydrateTimestamp simplifies the process of converting serialized timestamps back into Firestore’s native Timestamp format.

Key Features

  • Restores Firestore Timestamps: Converts serialized timestamp representations back into Firestore Timestamp objects.
  • Error Handling: Validates the input and throws an error for invalid or missing serialized timestamps.
  • Flexible Input Support: Accepts different serialized timestamp formats for conversion.


Converting Serialized Timestamps

Use hydrateTimestamp to convert a serialized timestamp into a Firestore Timestamp object:

import { hydrateTimestamp } from 'path-to-your-utilities'

// Example of a serialized Firestore timestamp
const serializedTimestamp = { seconds: 1234567890 }

// Convert it back to a Firestore Timestamp
const timestamp = hydrateTimestamp(serializedTimestamp)

Handling Invalid Timestamps

If the serialized timestamp is invalid or not provided, hydrateTimestamp throws an error, ensuring that only valid timestamps are processed.

Best Practices

  • Use hydrateTimestamp when dealing with serialized Firestore timestamp data to maintain data consistency and integrity.
  • Always handle potential errors when converting serialized timestamps to avoid unexpected crashes or data issues.
  • Be aware of the format of your serialized timestamps to ensure compatibility with hydrateTimestamp.

Proper error handling is crucial when using hydrateTimestamp to prevent issues with invalid or missing timestamp data.