
Organizing and comparing time-based data often requires sorting timestamps. The sortTimestamps function provides a reliable and straightforward way to compare and sort Firestore timestamps, accommodating possibly missing values to ensure robust and error-free operations.

Key Features

  • Chronological Sorting: Compares two Firestore timestamps and sorts them chronologically.
  • Handles Missing Timestamps: Gracefully manages scenarios where one or both timestamps may be missing (null or undefined).
  • Versatile Application: Ideal for use in array sorting methods or when manually comparing timestamps.


Comparing Two Timestamps

Import sortTimestamps and use it as a comparator function when sorting timestamps:

import { firestore } from 'firebase-admin'
import { sortTimestamps } from 'path-to-your-utilities'

// Example Firestore timestamps
const timestamp1: firestore.Timestamp =
const timestamp2: firestore.Timestamp = firestore.Timestamp.fromDate(
  new Date('2020-01-01'),

// Comparing two timestamps
const comparisonResult = sortTimestamps(timestamp1, timestamp2)

// 'comparisonResult' will be 1, -1, or 0, depending on the chronological order of the timestamps

Handling Missing Timestamps

sortTimestamps is designed to deal with missing timestamps effectively, ensuring that arrays of timestamps are sorted correctly even when some values are missing.

Best Practices

  • Integrate sortTimestamps into array sorting operations when dealing with Firestore timestamp data.
  • Use sortTimestamps for manual timestamp comparisons to maintain consistency and reliability in your time-based logic.
  • Be cautious when sorting large arrays of timestamps and consider performance implications.

When working with timestamps from various sources, consider potential inconsistencies due to time zone differences or clock synchronization issues.