
In applications where time tracking is crucial, such as logging events or updates, identifying the latest timestamp is a common requirement. The maxTimestamp function simplifies this task by evaluating an array of Firestore Timestamps and returning the most recent one.

Key Features

  • Latest Timestamp Identification: Extracts the most recent timestamp from an array of Firestore Timestamps.
  • Handles Missing Values: Skips over null or undefined values to focus on valid timestamps.
  • Robust and Efficient: Utilizes efficient sorting to determine the latest timestamp quickly.


Preparing Timestamps for Evaluation

Import `maxTimestamp` and use it to find the latest timestamp from an array:

import { firestore } from 'firebase-admin'
import { maxTimestamp } from 'path-to-your-utilities'

// Example array of Firestore timestamps
const timestamps: PossiblyMissing<firestore.Timestamp>[] = [,
  firestore.Timestamp.fromDate(new Date('2020-01-01')),
  // More timestamps

Finding the Latest Timestamp

Invoke maxTimestamp with the array of timestamps to identify the most recent:

// Determine the latest timestamp
const latestTimestamp = maxTimestamp(timestamps)

// 'latestTimestamp' will be the most recent timestamp, or undefined if all values are missing or the array is empty

Handling Arrays with Missing or No Timestamps

maxTimestamp is designed to return undefined when faced with an array that is either empty or contains only missing (null/undefined) timestamps, enabling seamless handling of such scenarios.

Best Practices

  • Use maxTimestamp when you need to determine the most recent event or data update timestamp in your application.
  • Ensure that the array of timestamps is accurately populated to avoid incorrect evaluations.
  • Consider the implications of time zones and clock skew when working with timestamps from different sources.

Timestamp comparisons can be impacted by time zone differences and clock synchronization issues. Ensure that all timestamps are comparable and sourced reliably.